Rajya Sabha member Bandi Parthasarathy Reddy, BRS Party Parliamentary Party leader MP Nama Nageswara Rao, and Sathupalli legislator Sandra Venkataveeraiah inspected the premises for Chief Minister KCR’s upcoming public meeting near the Kallur Sugar Factory. They arrived in Satthupalli constituency to review the ground and arrangements for the event scheduled on November 1.
The focus of their visit was to ensure that all logistical aspects, such as security measures, seating arrangements, and other necessary facilities, are in place to accommodate the expected crowd. The inspecting members expressed their satisfaction with the preparations and emphasized the importance of the event in engaging the community.
The people of Satthupalli are eagerly awaiting Chief Minister KCR’s presence and the meaningful discussions that will take place during the public meeting. The visit by these influential leaders highlights the importance of proper organization for the success of the gathering.