The Telangana government recently launched Praja Palana across the State. However, the number of people attending the Prajavani programme at Jyotirao Phule Praja Bhavan has been decreasing. Last Friday, around 2,100 applications were filed at the programme. Despite the cold weather, people from all over the State came to participate.
Many individuals arrived early and stood in queues before the scheduled start time of 10 am. Some candidates who applied for police constable and sub-inspector exams demanded the government to form a fact-finding committee to investigate irregularities in the police recruitment board’s notification issued on April 25, 2022.
The applications were received by Prajavani Nodal Officer, D Harichandana. She assured the people that their grievances would be addressed by the government and appropriate measures would be taken as soon as possible.
Officials mentioned that there has been a slight decrease in the number of applications filed at the Prajavani programme due to the ongoing Praja Palana programme. However, like in previous sessions, many applications were still submitted for double bedroom houses, pensions, and other issues. The next Prajavani programme is scheduled for Tuesday.