Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan predicts that the BJP-led NDA will win more than 350 seats in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections and regain power under Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He also believes that the BJP will form the government in Odisha next year, but did not reveal their candidate. Pradhan made these statements during an interactive session at the Odisha Literary Festival.
When asked about the upcoming Odisha Assembly elections, Pradhan confidently stated that the BJP will win, citing previous victories in Maharashtra and Haryana without announcing a chief ministerial candidate beforehand. However, he did not reveal any further strategies for the party.
Pradhan also expressed support for inviting foreign universities to India, stating that it is beneficial for Indian students who often go abroad to study. He mentioned that the UGC is working on a foreign university regulation policy and emphasized the importance of not depriving Indian students of global knowledge. He also highlighted Indian institutes setting up campuses abroad, such as IIT Chennai in Tanzania and IIT Delhi in Abu Dhabi.
In conclusion, Pradhan believes in the BJP’s success in future elections and supports the idea of inviting foreign universities to India for the benefit of Indian students’ education.