Around 543 schools in Telangana were chosen for the Pradhan Mantri Schools for Rising India (PM SHRI) scheme. This scheme will be implemented for 5 years starting from 2022-23 to 2026-27. Nizamabad had the most schools selected under the scheme with 29, followed by Nalgonda with 28 schools. The schools chosen include 56 elementary schools and 487 secondary and senior secondary schools.
The State government has been advised to send annual action plans and budget proposals for Project Approval Board (PAB) meetings to implement NEP effectively in these schools. A single nodal agency (SNA) has been established to administer the funds provided under the scheme. The selection process for these PM-SHRI schools was done transparently, in three stages. Various central, state government and local self-governing schools with UDISE+ code applied for PM-Shri.
The central government aims for these PM-SHRI schools to become a brand in the country for quality education. The success of these schools will depend on the cooperation of the respective state and union territory governments.