A 3-day fashion exhibition called Sutraa was inaugurated by Miss Grand India 2022 and the state director of Miss Universe for Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka, Praachi Nagpal, at Taj Krishna in Banjara Hills, Hyderabad. The exhibition features various apparel, fashion, and lifestyle products all under one roof. Praachi Nagpal expressed her happiness at seeing such a wide range of products showcased in the city. The exhibition will run until July 12th from 10am to 9pm.
Organizer Umesh mentioned that Sutraa is hosting a Rakhi Teej exclusive exhibition in Hyderabad for three days until July 12th. The event will showcase exclusive fashion wear, festive wear, festive special collections, lifestyle and designer wear, jewellery, accessories, and more. This edition of Sutraa aims to cater to all shopping needs during the Rakhi & Teej season.
The exhibition will feature over 100 designers from all over the country, offering designer clothes for women, kids, and men. Additionally, there will be bespoke jewellery, handcrafted shoes, designer clutches, beautiful hair accessories, and home decor on display.