Residents in the Katedan section of Rajendranagar are unhappy with the Fuse off Call (FOC) team for taking too long to fix power cuts. The area has many homes, businesses, and research institutions that rely on electricity from the Telangana State Southern Power Distribution Company Limited (TSSPDCL). The FOC teams in Katedan and Mailardevpally have limited staff and tools, making it difficult to respond to complaints quickly. The FOC team in Katedan only has two members and doesn’t have essential equipment like ladders and copper wire.
Residents have complained about the FOC team’s slow response, especially during the night when it’s hot and inconvenient to be without power. People in nearby colonies like Shastripuram, BK Puram, Raghavendra, Ekta, Bin Tirif, and Rizwan have also expressed dissatisfaction with TSSPDCL officials for not restoring power fast enough.
One resident, Syed Haseeb, said that the FOC team took four hours to fix a power cut and didn’t have a ladder to access the pole. He had to find a ladder himself, causing unnecessary delays. M.A.H. Asif, another resident, said that complaints to TSSPDCL officials haven’t resulted in any improvements. Power cuts are a daily occurrence, and it’s hard to cope with high temperatures during the summer.