Pothina Venkata Mahesh, a senior leader of the Jana Sena Party (JSP), has resigned from the party and all his positions. This decision came after the Vijayawada west seat was given to NDA candidate Sujana Chowdhury instead of Mahesh.
In the 2019 elections, Mahesh ran for the Vijayawada west seat but lost. He had hoped that party leader Pawan Kalyan would nominate him this time, but was disappointed when the seat went to the BJP as part of the TDP-JSP-BJP alliance. Mahesh expressed his frustration with this decision and even met with the JSP chief to request a change.
Speaking to the media, Mahesh criticized Pawan Kalyan, calling him selfish and questioning his leadership abilities. He also expressed concern about the party’s future, especially after recent electoral losses.
Mahesh accused Pawan Kalyan of neglecting the Kapu community’s interests and demanded an explanation for sacrificing seats to accommodate other parties. He highlighted that other leaders had also left the JSP recently, indicating growing discontent within the party.
Overall, Mahesh’s resignation reflects ongoing tensions within the JSP and raises questions about its future direction under Pawan Kalyan’s leadership.