The State government in Hyderabad is committed to the welfare of Rajaka and Nayi Brahmin communities. Minister for Transport and BC Welfare, Ponnam Prabhakar, has requested the electricity authorities not to disconnect power supply to salons, laundries, and dhobi ghats in Telangana.
Since the financial year 2021-22, the State government has been providing free power supply up to 250 units for laundries, dhobi ghats, and hair cutting salons. However, there are pending power bill dues of Rs.78.55 crores for washermen and Rs.12.34 crores for Nayi Brahmins beneficiaries.
The BC Welfare department has already requested the Finance department to release the budget and clear all pending dues. Ponnam Prabhakar has urged the electricity department not to disconnect the power connections and to continue power supply as usual. The dues will be cleared once the amount is released by the finance department.