Hyderabad: Former minister Ponnala Laxmaiah on Monday located mistake with the State government for absent the Comptroller Auditor-General of India (CAG) record in the Assembly throughout the Budget session. He affirmed that the government damaged a routine method of carrying out the Budget session for over a month and also finishing it in 7 days.
Laxmaiah mentioned that throughout the Congress regimen there were marathon disputes on various problems; however the government was attempting to maintain individuals at night on essential problems. “India is now the fifth largest economy; the credit should go to the Congress government for measures taken, including reforms,” he stated. The previous TPCC principal implicated the government of overlooked the watering industry, claiming 33 tasks were finished under the Jalayagnam program throughout the Congress regimen. On the contrary, the government fell short to finish a number of continuous tasks setting you back Rs.8,500 crore. He stated anti-BJP wave was spreading out throughout the country; lots of events were signing up with hands to set up a joined battle versus the BJP.