Former MP Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy visited Cheemalapadu village in Khammam district on Friday to console the victims of a recent fire accident. He gave Rs 50,000 to each victim from his own pocket and expressed anger towards the BRS leaders and the government for the incident. Ponguleti demanded that the TRS leaders responsible for the incident be held accountable, specifically naming district party president Tata Madhsudhan and Wyra MLA Ramulu Naik. He urged the government to provide Rs 50 lakh ex-gratia to the families of the deceased and Rs 25 lakh to the injured. Ponguleti promised to offer support to the victims.
Leaders Muvva Vijay Babu, Tulluri Brahmaiah, Borra Raja Sekhar, and others were present during Ponguleti’s visit to Cheemalapadu.