The Home Minister of Telangana, Mohammed Mahmood Ali, inaugurated two police stations in the South East Zone on Thursday. The buildings for the I S Sadan and Saidabad police stations were built to provide better facilities for the police officers. DGP Anjani Kumar and City Police Commissioner CV Anand were also present at the inauguration.
Mahmood Ali praised the Telangana police for their professional excellence in maintaining peace and upholding law and order. He also commended the police officers for preserving the Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb in the city. Meanwhile, DGP Anjani Kumar thanked the city police for handling multiple events throughout the year without any mishaps. He highlighted that the per capita income of the State has increased, and many top MNCs are establishing their offices in the city.
CV Anand thanked the Chief Minister and the Home Minister for giving priority to the police department’s budgetary allotments. He also appreciated the provision of modern vehicles, SHE teams, and infrastructure boost, which helped the police become a force to reckon with. CP Anand spoke about recent population statistics, citing a steep rise in personal vehicles during the Covid-19 pandemic.
He explained that the State government had carved out a megacity policing plan that led to the reorganization of the Hyderabad City Police into 7 law and order zones, 3 traffic zones, and several new law and order and traffic police stations. The I S Sadan Police Station building is a G plus 3 structure, and the Saidabad PS building has two floors. All amenities are centered around enhancing public delight.
Features include a reception desk, visitors’ lounge, multiple cabins for officers, CCTV viewing centres, bell of arms, counseling rooms, meeting halls, and modern workstations. Additional CP L&O Vikram Singh Mann, Additional CP Traffic G Sudheer Babu, Jt CP M Srinivas, CAR M Ramesh P&L DGP Office, DCP South East Zone Ch Rupesh, DCP South West Zone Khare Kiran Prabhakar, DCP South Zone P Sai Chaitanya, DCP East Zone Sunil Dutt, and MLAs Ahmed Bin Abdullah Balala, Syed Ahmed Pasha Quadri, Surabhi Vani, and others were present.