The Vijayawada Police have solved the case of the attempted murder on YS Jagan Mohan Reddy. They have taken the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) social media head and other suspects into custody for questioning.
Vijayawada Central TDP leader Bonda Uma Maheswara Rao, who was suspected to be involved in the case, has gone into hiding to avoid arrest by the SIT.
The SIT will soon release a detailed statement on how TDP leaders planned the stone attack on the Chief Minister during his ‘Mementha Siddham’ Bus Yatra in Vijayawada. They have identified the person who threw the stone and determined the support the attacker received to carry out the crime.
Police have gathered scientific evidence, call data, video footage, and other important pieces of evidence to build a strong case. The SIT has questioned over 60 individuals and thoroughly investigated the case from all angles.
It was discovered during the investigation that the TDP social media head and a local TDP leader played key roles in the attack. While the social media head was arrested, the other leader is currently unreachable.
TDP politburo member Bonda Umamaheswara Rao denied any involvement in the attack during an interview with a Telugu news channel. He accused the YSRCP of trying to frame him by pressuring the accused to name him. Rao also called for a CBI inquiry, citing previous attempts to implicate TDP leaders in other cases.