Three individuals who harassed a schoolgirl and ran her over with a motorbike in Uttar Pradesh’s Ambedkarnagar were shot in the leg during a police encounter. The Superintendent of Police stated that two of the accused tried to escape while receiving medical treatment, resulting in their injuries. The third accused, a minor, sustained a leg fracture while attempting to flee.
In another development, the Hanswar Station House Officer has been suspended for negligence in duty.
The incident occurred on Friday when a 17-year-old schoolgirl was harassed by two individuals who forcefully pulled at her scarf, causing her to lose balance and fall off her bicycle. Another person on a motorbike then ran over her.
A CCTV camera captured the incident, showing the girl losing control of her bicycle after her scarf was pulled and being struck by the motorcycle.
The injured girl was taken to a nearby hospital where she was declared dead upon arrival. The victim’s father filed a case which led to the arrest of the three men involved.