A police operation took place in northern Delhi at a gambling den. During the operation, four police officers were attacked by thugs armed with sticks and rods. The officers had to retreat for their safety. The police received a tip about two brothers, Bhola and Mange, managing a gambling establishment. The tip also mentioned the presence of illegal alcohol.
When the police arrived at the location, they found people drinking and gambling. Things escalated when one of the officers showed his police identification. The brothers then threatened the officers, leading to a confrontation. Bhola’s sister, Simran, led a group that attacked the officers with sticks. When one of the officers tried to record the incident on his phone, the attackers took it from him. Bhola allegedly fired a shot at one of the officers, but luckily, he missed. Another officer fired a shot into the air to regain control. Bhola managed to escape, but the others continued to attack the officers. At one point, one attacker even tried to strangle one of the officers. Somehow, the police team was able to escape.
After receiving medical treatment, the officers reported the incident at the police station. A case has been registered against the attackers, including charges of attempted murder and obstructing official duties. The authorities are currently searching for approximately six suspects involved in the incident.