On Saturday, there was tension at the first gate of Kakatiya University when workers from BRSV, the student wing of Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS), tried to burn an effigy of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in protest against the BJP’s Nirudyoga March, which was scheduled for later that evening. The BRSV workers tore down flexis that were put up by the BJP for the march and tried to burn them. They had a disagreement with the BJP leaders who tried to stop them. The police intervened and took the BRSV workers into custody, shifting them to KUC and Dharmasagar police stations.
B Prashanth, the president of BRSV at KU, accused the BJP state chief Bandi Sanjay of inciting youth in the name of organizing the Nirudyoga March and disrupting the recruitment drive for 80,000 jobs that the state government has taken up. He called the Nirudyoga March a political stunt and accused the BJP of trying to gain political mileage. Prashanth stated that if Sanjay had the courage, he should stage a protest in front of Modi’s residence, demanding him to take up the recruitment drive. He said that Modi promised to fill 2 crore jobs a year but currently, there are 10 lakh vacant positions in the central government.
Other members of BRSV State present included Macharla Sharath Chandra, PalamakulaKomuraiah, JattiRajender, S Surya Kiran,KManoj, Lanka Rajgopal, P Nagaraju, K Suman, G Veeru, Madhu, Vinod, Tony, Rambabu, and Kalyan.