In Ongole district of Andhra Pradesh, a constable named Kodamula Prasad shot his son on Saturday. Prasad was on duty at the EVM strong room when the incident occurred. His son, S Kamal (20), came to the strong room on a bike that night and asked for Rs. 20,000 from Prasad’s salary. An argument broke out between them, and in a fit of anger, Prasad shot his son, who died instantly.
This shocking incident took place in Ongole district of Andhra Pradesh. The accused, constable Kodamula Prasad, was on duty at the EVM strong room when he shot his son, S Kamal (20). Kamal had come to the strong room on a bike that night and asked for Rs. 20,000 from his father’s salary. This request sparked an argument between them, leading Prasad to shoot his son in anger.
The tragic incident involving a constable shooting his son occurred in Ongole district of Andhra Pradesh. The accused, Kodamula Prasad, was on duty at the EVM strong room when the incident took place. His son, S Kamal (20), had visited the strong room on a bike and asked for Rs. 20,000 from his father’s salary. An argument ensued between them, which ended with Prasad shooting his son in a fit of anger, resulting in Kamal’s immediate death.