The Task Force, along with Geesugonda, Narsampeta, and Inavolu Police, has arrested 13 people from three different gangs involved in selling fake and expired pesticides and prohibited herbicides. The police have seized these products, along with chemicals and a car worth approximately Rs 57 lakh. Following a tip-off, the police and agriculture officials conducted raids in several mandals in Warangal district.
The investigation started when the police raided pesticide shops owned by Islavath Venkatesh and Nunavath Veeranna in Mangal Thanda, Geesugonda mandal. Both shops were found to be selling expired pesticides. Further investigation revealed that Yalam Sadasiva Reddy, a former sales officer of pesticides from Karimnagar district, was the main person involved in this illegal trade.
In another incident, Bhukya Mathru Rathod from Maheshwam village was arrested for manufacturing counterfeit pesticides. Rathod had turned his home into a manufacturing unit by procuring large quantities of chemicals and raw materials from an unauthorized manufacturer based in Hyderabad. Three individuals involved in this illegal industry were also arrested.
The police also apprehended Hanumandla Bhaskar for distributing fake pesticides in Upparapalli village, Chennaraopet mandal. Based on the information provided by Bhaskar, M Sekhar Reddy from Srilakshmi Biotech Company in Abdullapurmet village near Hyderabad was arrested.