Police in Telangana are gearing up for Hanuman Jayanti celebrations, which are set to take place on Thursday. The festival, which is celebrated in honor of Lord Hanuman, the Hindu monkey god, is a major event in the state and attracts large crowds of devotees.
The police are on high alert as there have been incidents of communal tension and violence during previous Hanuman Jayanti celebrations. The authorities have taken several measures to ensure that the celebrations are peaceful and that law and order is maintained.
One of the main measures taken by the police is the deployment of additional personnel in sensitive areas. The police have identified areas where there is a history of communal tension and have stationed more officers in these areas. The officers will be equipped with riot gear and other necessary equipment to deal with any untoward incidents.
The police have also been conducting regular meetings with community leaders and religious organizations to ensure that the celebrations are conducted in a peaceful manner. The authorities have urged these organizations to cooperate with the police and to report any suspicious activities or behavior.
In addition, the police have been conducting regular patrols and checks to prevent the sale and distribution of illegal substances, such as alcohol and drugs, which can lead to violence and other criminal activities.
The authorities have also issued guidelines for the celebrations, which include restrictions on the use of loudspeakers and other sound equipment. The use of firecrackers has also been banned in some areas to prevent noise pollution and to avoid any accidents.
The police have also urged people to follow COVID-19 safety protocols during the celebrations. The authorities have reminded people to wear masks, maintain social distancing, and avoid large gatherings.
Overall, the police in Telangana are taking all necessary measures to ensure that Hanuman Jayanti celebrations are conducted peacefully and that law and order is maintained. The authorities are urging people to cooperate with the police and to celebrate the festival in a responsible manner. By working together, we can ensure that the celebrations are safe and enjoyable for everyone.