Sleuths of the Commissioner’s Task Force North Zone and the Banjara Hills Police in Hyderabad seized unaccounted cash of Rs 3.35 crore during vehicle checking in Banjara Hills. This happened after the election code came into force in the state. The police found the money at TV-9 signal junction, Road no 3, Banjara Hills. The person involved, Chimpireddy Hanumantha Reddy, admitted that he and three others were collecting and delivering ‘hawala’ amounts in the twin cities. They had an office in Sai Krupa Building, Aurora Colony, Banjara Hills. Bachala Prabhakar receives orders from customers for ‘hawala’ amounts and Hanumantha Reddy, Mandala Sriramulu Reddy, and Mandala Uday Kumar Reddy collect and distribute the money accordingly. They used to charge a commission of Rs 25,000 for delivering Rs 1 crore. On Tuesday, Hanumantha Reddy and others collected ‘hawala’ amounts from various places and were intercepted by the police near TV-9 traffic signal while shifting the money to their office.