Hyderabad City police recently conducted checks at various pubs in the city to prevent the sale and consumption of drugs. The police used narcotics sniffer dogs to help with their efforts.
During a crowded Saturday night at the pubs, especially with young customers, the police conducted a thorough search for drug use. The narcotics sniffer dogs were brought in to detect drugs hidden by dealers in different areas of the pubs.
The west zone police, along with the Telangana State Anti-Narcotics Bureau (TSNAB), carried out surprise searches in pubs located in Banjara Hills and Jubilee Hills. Drug detection kits were used, and narcotics sniffer dogs were deployed to combat drug abuse.
Following orders from higher authorities, the Telangana State Special Police (TSSP) decided to take strict action against individuals involved in drug abuse, gambling, or other illegal activities.
The Hyderabad police announced their intention to continue using sniffer dogs to address the drug problem in the city. Suspects will undergo detection tests using urine samples, with results displayed immediately for action under Section 27 of the NDPS Act, 1985.
Trained dogs from the Integrated Intelligence Training Academy at Moinabad help the Hyderabad police detect explosives and drugs. These dogs are also equipped to track humans and animals using scent.