The Hyderabad city police commissioner, C V Anand, conducted a video conference to discuss the preparations for the upcoming Telangana State Legislative Assembly elections on November 30. He emphasized the importance of following procedures, compiling reports on time, monitoring closely, and training and briefing the police force. Officers were urged to take action against any illegal cash, liquor, narcotics, or other prohibited inducements. All licensed firearms must be surrendered and no new licenses will be issued until after the polls. Surveillance teams and flying squads will be active, and measures will be taken to execute Non-Bailable Warrants (NBWs), monitor social media, surveil Hawala operators, and handle troublemakers. The commissioner stressed that all police officers must vote through facilitating centers. DCPs, ACPs, and nodal ACPs were instructed to meet with political parties, establish election cells, and coordinate with neighboring commissionerates to ensure the security of polling stations. Adherence to Election Commission of India (ECI) norms and vigilance on fake voter IDs were also emphasized.