Ganesh immersions are currently happening in Hyderabad. The Khairatabad Mahaganapati Shobhayatra, which was worshipped for 11 days, started in the morning. This year, the immersion is expected to be completed within 12 hours, a first in the history of Khairatabad Ganesh.
The Mahaganapati will reach crane number 4 at 11 am, and the Bada Ganesh immersion will be completed at 12 noon. After that, the immersion of the rest of the Ganeshas will take place.
However, the festival organizers are not happy with the police rush and are upset that the immersion program started without devotees participating in the Shobhayatra.
On the other hand, many pilgrims are heading towards Tank Bund and NTR Marg. This has caused a traffic jam near Crane No. 4, where Mahaganapati immersion takes place in Khairatabad. The police have taken immediate action to clear the traffic.
In the past, the Khairatabad Ganesha immersion used to be held last after the Ganesha immersions in the twin cities.
Additionally, this year, the police did not give permission for a band to play during the Khairatabad procession. The Balapur Ganesha procession has also started.