On July 27th, 2021, the Hyderabad police arrested two individuals for possession of illegal drugs with a street value of Rs 10 lakh. The two individuals were identified as Mohammed Ismail and Mohammed Aijaz, both residents of Hyderabad. The police seized 500 grams of MDMA and 100 grams of cocaine from their possession.
The Hyderabad police have been cracking down on drug peddlers in the city for the past few months. The arrest of Ismail and Aijaz is a significant breakthrough for the police in their efforts to curb the drug menace in the city. The police acted on a tip-off and arrested the two individuals near a hotel in the Banjara Hills area of Hyderabad.
MDMA, also known as ecstasy, is a synthetic drug that alters mood and perception. It is typically consumed in tablet form and is popular among party-goers. Cocaine, on the other hand, is a highly addictive stimulant drug that is derived from the coca plant. It is consumed by snorting, smoking or injecting and is known to cause a euphoric high.
The use and sale of illegal drugs have been on the rise in Hyderabad over the past few years. The city has become a hub for drug peddlers who source their supply from other parts of the country. The police have been conducting regular raids to seize illegal drugs and arrest those involved in drug trafficking.
The arrest of Ismail and Aijaz is a warning to others involved in drug peddling in Hyderabad. The police have urged citizens to come forward with any information they may have about drug peddlers in their area. They have also warned that strict action will be taken against anyone found involved in the sale or consumption of illegal drugs.
The use of illegal drugs can have serious consequences on an individual’s health and well-being. It can lead to addiction, mental health problems, and even death. The police are doing their best to curb the drug menace in Hyderabad, but it is the responsibility of every citizen to play their part in creating a drug-free society.
In conclusion, the arrest of Ismail and Aijaz with drugs valued at Rs 10 lakh is a significant breakthrough in the fight against drug peddling in Hyderabad. The police have urged citizens to come forward with any information they may have about drug peddlers in their area. It is time for all of us to take responsibility and work towards creating a drug-free society.