In Hyderabad, the Special Operation Team L B Nagar and Nagole police worked together to catch a drug peddler. They found over 30 kg of ganja, worth around Rs 8.5 lakh. The person arrested was Boinpally Suresh, a 35-year-old from Vijayawada Rural in Andhra Pradesh.
Suresh, who works as a cab driver, had a previous case under the NDPS Act with the Bhadrachalam police. He got back in touch with an old friend from Khammam who suggested he transport ganja for quick money. Suresh agreed and received a car with 31.2 kg of ganja to deliver to someone in Nizamabad.
To avoid being caught, Suresh hid the ganja packets in a specially made gas tank. The police acted on a tip-off and stopped the car on Sunday. They arrested Suresh along with the ganja, the car, and a mobile phone.