Prime Minister Narendra Modi sparked a national movement for cleanliness in 2014 called Swachh Bharat Mission. People from all walks of life embraced this mission and made cleanliness a part of their daily lives. As we approach Gandhi Jayanti, the Prime Minister has initiated a new call to action. During the 105th episode of Mann Ki Baat, he appealed for 1 hour of voluntary labor for cleanliness on October 1st at 10 a.m. This effort will serve as a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi.
The Prime Minister urged everyone to actively participate in this cleanliness campaign. People can contribute by cleaning their neighborhoods, streets, parks, riversides, lakesides, or any other public spaces. This initiative encourages individuals from diverse backgrounds to engage in hands-on cleaning activities at public locations such as marketplaces, railway tracks, water bodies, tourist destinations, and places of worship.
Every town, Grama Panchayat, and government sector will support and facilitate these cleanliness drives. NGOs, Resident Welfare Associations, private organizations, and interested parties can also organize cleaning events by applying online through the ULB/District Administration portal. These events will be documented and shared on the Swachhata Hi Seva – Citizens Portal. Citizens are encouraged to take photos at the cleanliness sites and upload them to the portal. The platform also invites citizens and influencers to become Swachhata Ambassadors and lead this movement.