Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a strong attack on opposition parties for not participating in the Lok Sabha debate on the no-confidence motion. He accused them of running away and spreading negativity throughout the country. PM Modi also criticized the opposition for not taking the discussion on Manipur seriously, as it would have hurt them the most.
He expressed his disappointment that the opportunity to find solutions through debates in Parliament was not utilized, as the opposition prioritized their politics over the welfare of the people. In response, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee claimed that the Centre has not taken action against those responsible for atrocities in Manipur.
During his virtual address to the Panchayati Raj Parishad in West Bengal, the prime minister criticized the ruling TMC for using terror and threats to intimidate opposition parties during the rural polls. He pointed out the irony of them acting as champions of democracy while resorting to such tactics. PM Modi also mentioned the recent defeat of the opposition’s no-confidence motion in Parliament.