Asaduddin Owaisi, the leader of AIMIM, asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Twitter if Rs 500 currency notes will also be removed. This came a day after the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced that they are withdrawing the highest value currency note, Rs 2,000 from circulation. Owaisi posed five questions to PM Modi with a taunt. He asked why the Rs 2,000 note was introduced in the first place and if we can expect the Rs 500 note to be removed soon. He also questioned how the 70 crore Indians who don’t have smartphones can make digital payments. The Rs 2,000 note was introduced in November 2016 when Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes were removed.
Owaisi also wanted to know what role Bill Gates’ owned Better Than Cash Alliance played in making PM Modi go for demonetisation. He asked if NPCI (National Payments Corporation of India) was being hacked by Chinese hackers and what would happen to payments during a war.
By asking these questions, Owaisi is trying to understand the reason behind these decisions and how the government plans to handle the situation.