Prime Minister Narendra Modi criticized the Congress party and accused them of releasing terrorists and defaming the country. He spoke to a large crowd in Mulki, near Moodabidri town in Karnataka’s Dakshina Kannada district. PM Modi mentioned an incident in Rajasthan where 50 people were killed in a bomb explosion, and how the Congress government let the culprits out of prison without punishment. He criticized the Congress party’s policy of appeasement and said that they pursue a policy of divide and rule. PM Modi also mentioned the Congress party’s promise to ban the Bajrang Dal, which has caused controversy in Karnataka.
The BJP leaders have expressed support for the Bajrang Dal and criticized the Congress party’s manifesto. Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai campaigned at Hanagal in Haveri district and condemned the Congress party. He waved a saffron shawl, raised the slogan of ‘Jai Bhajrangi’, and chanted the slogans of Bajrang Dal activists. Posters claiming “I am Bajrangi” have appeared in many places challenging the authorities to ban and arrest them.