At a press conference held at the home of Palamuru Vishnuvardhan Reddy, who is running for the Shadnagar Assembly, his wife Ramadevi expressed her distress over false information about her husband’s health being spread on WhatsApp groups. She questioned the decency of those responsible for causing distress to their family.
Ramadevi tearfully explained the health challenges her husband is currently facing. Vishnuvardhan Reddy collapsed during a campaign and was admitted to the hospital with heart-related issues. Doctors have discovered that 40% of his heart vessels are blocked, and he is also dealing with low blood pressure, low sugar, and a persistent fever.
Ramadevi expressed her disappointment at the insensitivity shown by certain individuals, particularly BJP workers, who posted hurtful comments about her husband in WhatsApp groups. She pleaded with political opponents to refrain from making hurtful comments during this difficult time.
She revealed that doctors recommended immediate cardiac stent placement for Vishnuvardhan Reddy, but he resisted due to concerns about his body’s readiness. The family is receiving counseling from doctors who emphasize that his commitment to election work should not endanger his health.
The press conference ended with a plea for empathy and a call to stop unwarranted attacks, emphasizing that Vishnuvardhan Reddy’s health should not be exploited for political gains.