The Telangana High Court has directed the Principal Secretary (Disabled Welfare) Health department to provide information on destitute persons identified district wise, the ratio of psychiatrists to paramedical staff, and the facilities offered to patients in each district by October 19. The court has asked the petitioner to give suggestions that can be included in the order for implementation. The State has identified 31,844 mentally ill and destitute patients, with 2,023 patients discharged and 27 deaths due to old-age related ailments. A 225-bed hospital has been established in the State to provide medical aid and accommodation to mentally ill patients. All 27 medical colleges in the State also have facilities for mentally ill patients. The government is working towards implementing the Mental Health Care Act, 2017 and establishing rehabilitation centers for mentally ill destitutes. The court has inquired about facilities for recovered patients who cannot live with their families and has been informed about the creation of halfway homes in the State. The PIL filed by Integrated New Life Society for Education and Development (INSED) seeking implementation of the Act and establishment of rehabilitation centers in all districts will be heard again on October 19.