Kodurupaka is a village in Peddapalli district, known as ‘Moodu Jamula Kodurupaka’ because it doesn’t have an evening. The village has a unique way of life, with short days and long nights due to its location surrounded by four hills. The sun rises late and sets early, so people start working as soon as the sun comes up and finish by 4 pm. The village has historic temples, including the Rajarajeswaraswamy temple built during the time of Satavahanas and Jains, and the Nambuladriswara Swamy temple. Tourists visit Kodurupaka to see these temples and enjoy the scenic beauty of the village.
The village could be developed as a tourist place with the establishment of a ropeway connecting the four hills and providing employment opportunities to the villagers. The people’s lifestyle is hectic like in cities, but they enjoy the pleasant weather, green fields, and trees. The village has a unique charm that is worth experiencing.