Actor turned politician Pawan Kalyan made controversial comments about superstar Krishna during a rally with the BJP. He compared Krishna’s political differences with NTR to the respect shown by NTR towards Krishna. This sparked criticism from many netizens who felt it was disrespectful to pit legends against each other.
Some online users called out Pawan Kalyan for his remarks, urging him to focus on celebrating all icons without causing division. Others criticized him for being opportunistic in politics and risking the reputation of a legendary figure like Krishna. The backlash prompted the JSP party to clarify that Pawan Kalyan’s words were misinterpreted, emphasizing that he was highlighting NTR’s respect for Krishna rather than commenting on Krishna’s culture.
The controversy surrounding Pawan Kalyan’s comments on Krishna highlighted the sensitivity of discussing political differences among iconic figures. The incident serves as a reminder to be mindful of how statements can be perceived and interpreted, especially when involving revered personalities in public discourse.