Pawan Kalyan, the leader of the Jana Sena Party, has asked Yuvajana Shramika Rythu Congress Party (YSRCP) leaders to apologize to the people of Telangana for derogatory comments made about them. Kalyan claimed that the comments were made against Telangana’s Finance Minister Harish Rao and were hurtful to the people of Telangana. Kalyan said that while leaders can criticize each other, they should not bring people into the argument. He also called on senior YSRCP leaders to condemn the behavior of those who made such comments.
Last week, Harish Rao said that Telangana was ahead of Andhra Pradesh in terms of development, which led to criticism from Andhra Pradesh ministers like Botsa Satyanarayana and Perni Narayana. Sidiri Appalanaidu even called Rao and Minister KT Rama Rao “regional terrorists.” In response, Rao criticized both the ruling party and opposition for not demanding Special Category Status for Andhra Pradesh as per the AP Reorganisation Act.