Actor Pawan Kalyan has started filming for his new action drama movie in Mumbai. The film is directed by Sujeeth, who is known for his previous movies Run Raja Run and Sahoo. The movie is produced by DVV Danayya under the banner of DVV Entertainment, the same banner that backed the movie RRR, which won an Oscar for Best Original Song. The first schedule of the shooting will take place until the end of the month in Mumbai and nearby locations. The movie will have noted cinematographer Ravi K Chandran cranking the camera and AS Prakash handling production design. S Thaman, who scored the music for Bheemla Nayak, is the composer.
Pawan Kalyan was last seen on screen in 2022 in Bheemla Nayak, which is a remake of 2020 Malayalam movie, Ayyappanum Koshiyum starring Biju Menon and Prithviraj Sukumaran. Pawan Kalyan also has a period drama in the pipeline, Hari Hara Veera Mallu, which is being directed by Krish Jagarlamudi.