The Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) has lowered the price of the T-24 ticket, which gives passengers unlimited access to RTC buses, including regular and metro buses, within Greater Hyderabad. The new price is Rs. 90, down from Rs. 100, starting from Thursday. The decision was made to ease the financial burden on passengers during the hot summer months. Senior citizens over the age of 60 will receive a 20% discount and can purchase the ticket for only Rs. 80 by presenting their Aadhaar card to conductors for age verification.
The T-24 ticket has been popular among passengers, with an average of 25,000 tickets sold per day. TSRTC Managing Director, VC Sajjanar, said that the reduced price aims to provide passengers with 24-hour travel for less than the cost of one liter of petrol. The original price of the T-24 ticket was Rs. 120 but was reduced to Rs. 100 previously.
In addition to the T-24 ticket, TSRTC has launched other discounted tickets. The T-6 ticket is priced at Rs. 50 and allows women and senior citizens to travel anywhere in the city between 10 AM and 4 PM. The F-24 ticket costs Rs. 300 and permits a family of four to travel around Hyderabad for 24 hours. The corporation encourages passengers to take advantage of these discounted tickets and enjoy hassle-free travel.
Overall, TSRTC aims to provide affordable and accessible transportation for all passengers in Hyderabad.