The Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee president, A Revanth Reddy, spoke at a public meeting in Hyderabad on Monday. He said that when his party comes to power, they will fulfill the aspirations of the youth. The party plans to fill over 200,000 job vacancies in State departments, which are currently vacant. Reddy criticized the current government for not taking any steps to fill these positions. According to the Biswal committee report, there are two lakh job vacancies. Reddy believes that under the current administration, young people will not receive justice.
AICC leader Priyanka Gandhi also attended the meeting to support the unemployed. Reddy announced the Hyderabad Youth Declaration, which outlines what the Congress party plans to do for unemployed individuals and students once they come to power. The TSPSC has become a rehabilitation centre for politically unemployed. Online registration will be arranged for filling jobs. A skill development centre will be established in every district in an effort to support job seekers.
Reddy paid homage to the statue of Srikantachary, the first martyr of the second phase Telangana movement in LB Nagar, before attending the meeting. CLP leader Batti Vikramarka presented hand-woven Pochampalli sarees to Priyanka and discussed the plight of weavers in the State.