A meeting of opposition parties was held in Patna to discuss forming an anti-BJP front for the 2024 Lok Sabha polls. The meeting was hosted by the Chief Minister of Bihar, Nitish Kumar. However, the meeting failed to come to a conclusion and another meeting will be held to decide the next course of action. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal sought support against a proposed Delhi ordinance and leaders appealed to Congress to support the ordinance. Talks were also held regarding a common minimum program and the need for a coordinator for the opposition alliance. The meeting was attended by 27 political parties, including the Congress, AAP, NCP, and TMC. Another two-day meeting will be held in Shimla as they failed to reach a consensus in Patna. Some tensions arose during the meeting, including a remark by Congress’s Bengal chief that led to protests and NCP and Uddhav Thackery had to play the role of peace makers. Mamata Banerjee objected to Congress’s attitude in Bengal.