A temple priest in Hyderabad was arrested for killing his girlfriend with a stone. The woman, Kuruganti Apsara, had pressured him to marry her even though he was already married. She threatened to expose him if he didn’t marry her. The man, Ayyagari Venkat Surya Sai Krishna, became fed up with her behavior and decided to kill her. He picked her up from her home on June 3, killed her, and put her body in his car. He dumped her body in a manhole and told the police that she was missing. He covered the manhole with red soil, burnt her belongings and washed his car. The next day, he noticed a bad smell coming from the manhole and got some laborers to seal it with concrete. The police checked CCTV footage and found that the man’s story didn’t add up. He eventually confessed to killing Apsara.