The government led by Shehbaz Sharif made two significant moves in the Supreme Court that defy the orders of Pakistan’s highest court. The PTI rejected both the resolution and the bill, stating that the government was hindering the judiciary’s ability to function independently. The resolution was passed by the Pakistan National Assembly in a joint sitting, emphasising the need for general elections of all National Assembly and provincial assemblies simultaneously to strengthen the federation. The resolution argued that holding separate polls in Punjab province would have an adverse impact on the National Assembly seats’ general elections in Punjab, marginalising the smaller provinces’ role in the federation. The Imran Khan-led PTI staged a token walkout from the house in protest. The Supreme Court (Practice and Procedure) Bill 2023 was also passed in the joint session of parliament, aiming to curtail the chief justice’s suo motu powers. The bill gives the power to a committee comprising senior judges, including the chief justice, for transparent proceedings in the top court and includes the right to appeal.