Deputy Speaker, Thigulla Padma rao Goud, who is running for the Secunderabad BRS position, went on a tour of various colonies and bastis in the Buddanagar Division under the Secunderabad Constituency on Wednesday. Along with Bouddhanagar corporator Kandi Shailaja, they organized a padayatra at several locations and met with voters to ask for their support.
During the tour, Padma Rao Goud was welcomed by the locals who declared their support for him in the elections. Many local leaders and activists also participated in the padayatra, including Deputy Mayor Mothe Srilata Shobhan Reddy and other corporators.
Speaking to the media, Padmarao Goud expressed his regret over the recent attack on Dubbaka candidate Kota Prabhakar Reddy. He emphasized that violence has no place in a democratic system. He also mentioned their involvement in the Telangana movement and their commitment to non-violence. He highlighted that they are transparently implementing schemes in the Secunderabad constituency and avoiding the involvement of middlemen in the selection of beneficiaries.
Padmarao Goud further stated that Secunderabad is excelling in all fields and their campaign is receiving a positive response from the people. He emphasized their focus on balancing development and welfare to help the residents of Secunderabad.
For more pictures of Padma Rao Goud’s padayatra, click [here](