The Additional Collector, Sabawat Motilal, visited the Desi Itikyala PSCE paddy procurement centre in Nagarkurnool district on Tuesday. During his visit, he spoke to the farmers about any issues they were facing at the procurement centre. The farmers told him that the officials were causing delays in the paddy procurement process, causing their paddy to get wet due to untimely rains.
Motilal assured the farmers that the government was ready to buy wet paddy and urged them not to worry. However, he advised them to dry the wet grain and promised that the government was taking measures to ensure that farmers did not face any problems at the procurement centres.
Motilal also instructed the traders and millers to provide enough gunny bags, hamalis, and transportation facilities to transport the weighed bags of grain to the rice mills immediately. The District Agriculture Officer, Venkateshwar, explained that this season’s paddy crops had faced crop infections like fire blight and early stem rot, as well as recent rains causing ‘Tal’ paddy grain. For every 100 kg of paddy, 2 kgs of Talu is being witnessed.