Hyderabad MP and All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen chief objected to Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurating the new Parliament on May 28. He suggested that either the Lok Sabha Speaker or the Rajya Sabha Speaker could have given a chance to inaugurate it. He said that Parliament is made of public money and wondered why PM is behaving like his “friends” have sponsored it from their private funds.
He took to Twitter to question why the PM should inaugurate Parliament when he is the head of the executive and not the legislature. He also pointed out that there is a separation of powers in India. The MP wonders why the PM is acting as if his “friends” have sponsored the new Parliament from their private funds.
In summary, the Hyderabad MP and All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen chief is questioning why the Prime Minister should inaugurate the new Parliament and suggests that the Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha Speaker should have had the opportunity instead. He also questions why the PM is acting as if his “friends” have sponsored the new Parliament from their private funds.