Home Telangana Over 185,000 women undergo screening through Arogya Mahila scheme in TS

Over 185,000 women undergo screening through Arogya Mahila scheme in TS

Over 185,000 women undergo screening through Arogya Mahila scheme in TS

The government’s “Arogya Mahila” program conducted random tests on women and found that 1,313 women had symptoms of breast cancer and 1,340 had symptoms of cancer. A total of 1.85 lakh women were screened under this program, which aims to prioritize women’s health. There are 272 Arogya Mahila Clinics across the state to provide services to women.

The program focuses on early detection of diseases through symptom-based screening and provides timely treatment. Every Tuesday, the Arogya Mahila Clinics are exclusively open for women, with an all-female team of doctors and staff. These clinics offer various medical tests and services specifically for women’s health, including screenings for diabetes, blood pressure, anemia, oral, cervical, and breast cancers. They also address issues like micronutrient deficiencies, urinary tract infections, pelvic inflammatory diseases, menopause-related concerns, fertility issues, sexual health, weight management, yoga, exercise, and overall well-being.


The response to the Arogya Mahila program has been remarkable, with 185,492 women availing the screening services in the last 20 Tuesdays. The program remains committed to cancer screenings, with 142,868 individuals screened for oral cancer and 1,313 showing symptoms. Similarly, 141,226 women underwent breast cancer screenings and 26 were diagnosed with breast cancer. For cervical cancer, 33,579 women were screened and 1,340 showed symptoms. Among them, 26 were diagnosed with cervical cancer and referred to specialized treatment.

In total, there are 272 clinics and 185,492 women have been screened. There have been 46,813 patient investigations raised and 11,064 women referred to higher facilities. The number of screenings for cervical cancer was 33,579 and oral cavity examinations were 142,868. Clinical breast examinations were conducted for 141,226 women. There were also screenings for micronutrient disorders, thyroid profiles, and complete blood count (CBP) tests.



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