There is a rush for party tickets in Hyderabad, with many applying for Congress tickets despite the high fee and others applying for BJP tickets with no fee. The BJP is happy about this as it helps them counter the Congress and BRS campaign. However, no one seems interested in contesting against Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao in Gajwel. Even senior leaders from both parties are unwilling to contest in this Assembly constituency. Eatala Rajender of the BJP initially said he was willing to contest from Gajwel, but he has changed his mind due to a survey indicating that KCR has an advantage there and the limited time to win over voters. Congress leaders also do not want to take on KCR, except for TPCC chief A Revanth Reddy who is trying to field a strong candidate. KCR won the Gajwel seat by a large majority in the 2018 elections. The BJP, which had focused on Gajwel when Bandi Sanjay was the state party president, seems to have lost that advantage now. The new BJP state chief, G Kishan Reddy, has yet to decide on this constituency.