Ministers T Harish Rao and Talasani Srinivas Yadav criticized the opposition parties on Sunday, saying they cannot see the progress that the state of Telangana has made. They accused BJP ministers of giving awards to Telangana while also insulting the state. The ministers also accused the Union government of copying Telangana’s schemes and renaming them. The ministers spoke at the foundation-laying ceremony for the PV Narasimha Rao Veterinary University building, which was attended by MP K Prabhakar Reddy, MLC Farooq Hussain, ZP chairperson Roja Sharma, and collector Prashant Jeevan Patil.
Harish Rao said that Telangana’s fisheries industry is a model of development, and animals are now benefiting from health services provided by the government. He mentioned that the ambulance services in Telangana have been in operation since 1962, and he criticized the BJP for copying this scheme and using it across the country. He also mentioned two other schemes, Mission Bhageeratha and Rythu Bandhu, that he said the Centre copied from Telangana.
Srinivas Yadav praised Telangana’s progress in improving its rural economy and pointed out that the state has created many jobs. He also mentioned that Telangana provides 24-hour uninterrupted power, unlike Gujarat where power cuts are common. Yadav stressed that with committed leadership, Telangana can achieve anything.
Earlier that day, Rao’s camp office became a center of devotion as Hanuman deeksha devotees performed bhajans and abhishekam to the deity. The minister, MP, and local people’s representatives were present, along with a large number of Hanuman devotees. Rao joined the Hanuman deeksha in the afternoon.