The BRS chief, K Chandrashekar Rao, handed out B-forms to candidates in Telangana Bhavan. He gave 50 B-forms in Telangana Bhavan and one in Husnabad public meeting. The BRS leader mentioned that they may make changes in some constituencies based on survey reports. Speculations arose when the BRS chief only gave B-forms to 69 candidates out of the 115 announced. It is believed that a few leaders from the Congress party may join the ruling party for tickets.
Rao explained that he could not sign all the B-forms at once due to inauspicious days. Priests had advised him not to sign any documents or cheques during these days. Therefore, he had to complete the process on Sunday morning. The BRS leaders who received B-forms on Sunday include various individuals such as KoneruKonappa, DurgamChinnaiah, and N Divakar Rao.