Bandi Sanjay Kumar, the Union Minister of State for Home Affairs and Karimnagar MP, criticized the Congress party for not fulfilling its promise to waive Rs 2 lakh farm loans. He mentioned that out of 39 lakh farmers waiting for loan waivers, only 11 lakh farmers had their loans waived by the State government. Sanjay Kumar urged the Congress-led state government to prove its sincerity by providing new loans to farmers as promised during elections.
According to the State Level Bankers Committee (SLBC), farmers in the state have taken loans amounting to over Rs 64,000 crore, but only 10% of this amount has been waived off. Sanjay Kumar criticized the government for celebrating this small waiver and not addressing the majority of farmers who are still burdened by loans. He blamed the previous government’s attitude for farmers becoming defaulters and emphasized the importance of timely loan waivers to prevent such situations.
Sanjay Kumar reminded that Congress had promised to pay off all loans up to Rs 2 lakh for farmers, including principal and interest amounts. He urged the state government to fulfill this promise and clear the loan amounts from banks to remove farmers from the defaulter list. This would make them eligible for new loans without any restrictions or regulations. Sanjay Kumar called on the Congress party to honor its commitment to farmers and provide genuine relief without delay.