South Central Railway has cancelled three trains and diverted one due to ongoing restoration work at Bahanaga Bazar station. This work is a result of a train accident that occurred last week in the Kharagpur-Bhadrak section of South Eastern Railway. The cancelled trains are Train Number 12551 SMVT Bengaluru-Kamakhya, 12253 SMVT Bengaluru-Bhagalpur, and 12666 Kanniyakumari-Howrah. Train Number 12703 Howrah-Secunderabad will be diverted via Kharagpur-Tata-Rajkharsawan-Dangoaposi-Nayagarh.
The SCR has also restored Train Number 07029 Agartala-Secunderabad to run on the normal route. Additionally, Train Number 15630 Silghat Town-Tambaram has been restored and diverted to run via Asansol-Chandil-Tata-Rajkharsawan-Dangoaposi.