The Minister for BC Welfare, Gangula Kamalakar, announced that the Telangana government has received around 53,000 applications for financial aid from traditional artisans and occupants. The government launched a scheme to provide Rs. 1 lakh in financial assistance to those involved in traditional occupations. The Minister encouraged eligible people to enroll their names on a website created for the purpose.
Minister Gangula Kamalakar held a meeting with officials on Monday, where he explained that eligible people don’t need to approach any office and can apply through their mobile phones. The application process is straightforward, and required documents can be uploaded. The deadline for applications is June 20, and only income proof certificates issued from 2021 will be considered valid.
The Minister directed district Collectors to issue income certificates as early as possible for traditional artisans and occupants, so they can apply for the scheme. Overall, this scheme aims to support those involved in traditional occupations in Telangana.