Home Hyderabad One arrested at Hyderabad airport for attempting to smuggle gold and subsequent...

One arrested at Hyderabad airport for attempting to smuggle gold and subsequent seizure by authorities

One arrested at Hyderabad airport for attempting to smuggle gold and subsequent seizure by authorities

Customs Air Intelligence officers of Hyderabad Customs announced on Sunday that they had arrested a male passenger at Rajiv Gandhi International Airport with 454 gms of gold, valued at Rs 21,20,180. The passenger had arrived in Hyderabad from Dubai, and the gold was found concealed in the form of screws and rods of trolley wheels during a thorough scanning of his baggage.

The investigation into the matter is ongoing.


In another incident, officials from Hyderabad Customs seized 12 cut pieces of gold bar and a gold chain weighing 807.10 grams and worth nearly Rs 50 lakh on Tuesday. The male passenger had arrived from Doha on a flight that landed at 08.45 am. Following a search, the officials found the gold concealed inside a chargeable torch light.

The seized gold was valued at Rs 49,71,736, and the investigation into the matter is ongoing.

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